Currently we are not set up with pictures for each hosta. We hope to add that soon. By going to you
can find pictures for nearly all of these. They often show both young and mature plants in various sunlight conditions.
after a hosta indicates a variety being sold by the children (tc) indicates a 1st year tissue culture plant, newly ordered
this spring. These will usually pot up in 3" or 4" pots.
Click Here for Hosta Library Pictures
(10"H x 18"W) Avent 98
One of the most popular small hostas on the market. Has small, round gold
leaves with excellent substance, each tattooed with a small, dark green maple leaf outline.
Color outside of the tatoo is slightly more green than the gold inside the tatoo. An excellent sport of 'Little
Aurora.' Light lavender flowers in late spring.
(8"H x 16"W) Lachman NR
Round, cupped, and puckered leaves are dark green with a white edge. Lavender

(10"H x 20"W) Japanese Native
Medium green leaves. Racemes have multiple branches, resulting in many small, purple-striped lavender
flowers in late summer.
(22"H x 45"W) Lachman 90
Dark green leaves with a variable white margin, streaking into the center, on burgandy
red petioles. Lavender flowers.
(Large) Aden 78
Deep blue, heavy textured leaves, nicely puckered. White flowers.
(22"H x 36"W) Vanejik-bos/VanBuren/Van Erven 97
A sport of Fortunei Aereomarginata. Would could be so special
about that, you might ask? Larger, more vigorous, a wider gold margin, heavier substance and shinier leaf. Lavender flowers.
(6"H x 10"W) Banyai/Soldberg 91
A great sport of Lemon Lime, it has light green leaves with a deep green border. Deep purple
flowers contrast the greens of the leaves fantastically. Excellent for boarders.
Medium green leaves with white edges. Lavender flowers
One of the old stand-bys. Green leaves with a wide white stripe down the middle of each one.
Grey-green, heart-shaped, wavy leaves with prominent veining. Great for mass plantings. Lavender flowers.
(4"H x 10"W) Korean Native Breeder
Found only on Chaju Island
off Korea. Forms tiny mounds of green foliage. Quickly forms small colonies. Purple flowers appear in summer on 12" scapes.
Aden/Klehm Nursery 90 (Small) Rapidly forms small colonies of long, thin leaves of medium green with thin white
margins. Purple flowers.
(12"H x 36"W) Kulpa 89
One of the most popular new introductions. It has white centered, very dark green leaves,
slightly twisted and curved and held upright in a tight mound. A vigorous grower with good substance. The leave center can
change through the season, depending on light exposure, from creamy to bright white to light green.
White leaves with thin green edges. This adds a great color variation to the usual green hostas. Flowers
are lavender in mid-summer. Difficult to grow due to the lack of green chlorophyll.
(18"H x 24"W)
Deep bluish-green leaves with a wide creamy-white margin. Holds color till frost. Pale lavender
flowers in spring.
(15"H x 36"W) Wilkins 95
Long, pointed blue leaves with a gold edge and slight rippling. Lavender flowers in late summer.